Quick Winter Fix Tips for Dry Skin

People with dry skin face next-level challenges in winter. Especially when the winter is as windy and cruel as this time. But others, who usually have a supple skin type too get affected by the weather change. The drier months of winter bring with them a range of conditions including dull, dry, flaky, and dying skin, and much more. Even if you decide to stay indoors, the dryness from room heaters and blowers does not save your skin from becoming drier.

Thankfully, there are ways to prevent dryness and soothe the scratchy and itchy skin.

1-      Know The Cause and Prevent

Understanding the root cause of the problem and then preventing it is the best mechanism for skin care in winter. There are a range of factors that contribute to dry skin in any season. To avoid the condition from developing, one must focus on:

·         Hydration

Right hydration can fix dryness of the skin so drinking plenty of fluids is important no matter the season.

·         Healthy fats

Skin needs nourishment from within and it comes from healthy fats. Including nuts, olive oil, and ghee (clarified butter) in your diet is important.

·         No alcohol/ caffeine

Excess of caffeine or alcohol can lead to loss of hydration from the body which instigates dry skin.

2-      Say No to Hot Showers

As much as it comforts you to step into a hot shower during the chilly winter, it is important to avoid them if you want to prevent dry skin. Hot showers make things worse as hot and steamy water rips off the essential oils from your skin. Taking shorter baths or cutting down the hotness of the water is suggested.

3-      Take Care of Your Skin

Developing a winter skincare routine is the best way to fix dry skin. Replacing your gel-based skincare products with cream-based items is recommended. Focusing on moisturization is key to supple and soft skin. Use a skin-appropriate, weather-appropriate moisturizer lotion or cream. You must also massage your skin with facial oils twice a week to nourish it.

If your skin has already become dry and flaky, try using heavier moisturizers and skincare products till the time you hit back normalcy in your skin.

4-      Exfoliate

If you are doubting dryness or have dry skin already, start exfoliating your face and body twice a week. Removing dead skin cells from the body gives a chance for healthy cells to breathe and flourish. Moreover, when the dead skin cells are gone, the moisturizing products you use on your skin reach the core. This enhances the effects of your skincare efforts. Make sure to use an exfoliator that suits your skin type and isn’t too harsh.

5-      Keep Sunscreen Handy

If you have stopped using sunscreen considering that the sun has become milder during winter, it is time to restart using it. The sun is as harmful for your skin as it was during the summer because the UV rays are still intact only the heat has subsided. When the sun is out, your skin is exposed to harmful rays no matter the season. So, keeping sunscreen handy is crucial.

6-      Apply Face Masks

Winter skincare for dry skin is different and so are the face masks you must use. Some special face masks provide moisture to the skin and keep it nourished. For example, banana and butter are an amazing combination to offer the desired moisture to the skin. Similarly, olive oil and cocoa butter mixed and then applied as a face mask work great and offer great nourishment to dry skin during tough winter.

Some other combinations to try include sandalwood and honey, milk and coffee, papaya and raw milk, avocado and honey, etc.

7-      Set Up a Humidifier

The lack of moisture in the air creates the biggest hurdle for the skin to breathe and rejuvenate. The number of dead skin cells increases as the amount of moisture drops in the air., setting up a humidifier in your room can help you fight dry skin problems. The moisture in the air will be maintained and thus your skin will get moisturized naturally.

8-      Choose Your Clothes Wisely

Last but a very important way to fight dry skin problems is to wear fabrics that do not irritate your skin any further. Loose, comfortable, and natural fabrics are recommended for winter.

Dry skin can become a serious concern if not handled in time, these easy tips can help prevent and treat dry skin conditions. In addition to these tips, you can also try adding occlusives to your skincare routine, maintaining the right temperature, and relishing seasonal fruits and vegetables to fight the dryness problem. Do not compromise your skincare routine in winter. Make necessary changes to it as per the season’s requirements and enjoy smooth, soft, and healthy skin during the harsh winter months.

As a multifaceted creative, Niara's talents extend beyond writing; she also finds joy in the realms of public speaking, photography, and videography. Each medium becomes a canvas for her self-expression, where she skillfully crafts narratives that evoke emotions and inspire change. At Clue Nine, we believe that every woman and man should be able to find the products they need. We believe in products that are made by people who are passionate about their craft and committed to making sure their products are safe for your body.

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